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Friday, October 25, 2013

Things that might just be true.

I'm personally not against any people coming to America to find and live out there dream. I am however worried that too many people are being exploited in working for make shift companies. That exploit desperate people willing to work for less than a living wage.  Corporations keep making these secondary contract companies that simply keep them from having to hire people on the up and up. In the same way banks invented payday loans companies.                      
  People are always saying these people do the work that "Americans" do not want to do. That is a lie because lots of people get up and go to work day in and day out. To work  jobs they hate and with people they like even less. Most go because of the paycheck and the benefits.Simply because they have a family to support. Since the economic downturn corporations have pushed the "work longer for less money" ethic on everyone.                                                                                                                                                   These companies have figured out how to extract every nickel possible from the people who do the work that in return make the profit. It is only a matter of time before they figure out how to devalue your profession and industry. With cheaper less qualified people who will do what ever some one tells them to do right or wrong.  
America has always been the land of opportunity. Today it seems to only be the land of the opportunistic. Our Government only serves corporations. Which are only designed to make money. Our elected puppets now only serve the money backing their own election . Which are the soulless people who run the corporations. Some how man kind has been left out and only serves as the labor for the wealthy elite that stand on the shoulders. Something is about to happen in this world and corporate america will pull the trigger. There is only so much you can cut back on until the entire system collapses. People will figure out we don't  need bankers, politicians and especially corporations in our everyday  lives. They only serve to fill their own pockets and their own self interest.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Depeche Mode 'Delta Machine' Review

The new D.M. album is really lacking any stand out gems and quite possibly the weakest  album to date. Nothing is really standing out from the new album ,IMO. Hope one of the singles has some remixes to give this album some much needed wings.                           Some might call 'Delta Machine' a bigger,darker more experimental sound collage than previous works.  However I feel that the album could easily be  a collection of B-side type material. Depeche Mode have a timeless and over all impressive collection of singles, and albums. This album is a far cry with any of there own previous material or classics.  I feel this album was rushed and is not up to there high standards of music and song writing. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

DJ Marketing 101

 1.Add your FB event:       then HYpe HypE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE.........                                                                                                                Hype ,hype + more hype  + Add your Flyer art and a picture of some one who is really has on way to many accessories ,like a vest and a snap back.                                                                                                    

2.Say special evening of music   add more hype_______________+ more useless info .                                                                        

3.Try to convince your audience that if you miss this some how your life will never be the same.                                                                                                          

4.Should it matter that one if not both of these guys would need a Ryder truck to move  their entire record collections. Then add more useless information like this guy talked on the same Mic as some one who is marginal successful and some how that makes them more credible. The other guy will play nothing but his old ,tired vinyl collection to show you how down he is and that he has every played out classic.                                                                                                              

5.One guy has a music production project that he is working on and some how this makes him more "Artsy" . (Just makes it sound Cool)                                                                                                                

6.Add photo of grown man with a little kids hair cut and sporting Ray bans (Optional Suit & Tie, oh and maybe a vest)                                                                                                                                                          

7.Go on and on how great the music will be, but nothing too specific or original.                                                                                                              

8.Add one more picture of a guy in a turtle neck drinking a Scotch giving you the cheesy wink & Point.                                                                                                                

9. Add twenty five DJS in only 4 hours of time or just pick random people from the audience. Every one is a DJ today either will work.                                                                                                                                                                        

10. Work on your own image.                                                                                            Wearing a costume, a mask, lights or both will make you stick out from the endless lineup of DJs.  Think Bear Suit + Christmas Lights.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Or just watch episodes of Breaking Bad and imitate what Jesse Pinkman is wearing.   Also practice saying "Whats Up Bitches" a-lot.                                                            

 11. Be Nice. Act like your cool with every one. To the groups 'Cliques' of Boring Djs who high five each other cause they all played the same tracks.   To the guy who's been a dj for the last 50 years but some how has never made it.  To the drug dealers who think everyone is there friend. To groupie chicks who all look good at closing time but cant seem to cure up that acne or what ever it is on there face.